Collection: Arezzo

For the love of the blooming princess lost in the land of “AREZZO”, KEHIAA by KASHMIRAA launched her first ever bridal Collective in 2018. Arezzo revives a landscape of medieval beauty, amidst the mythical pattern of nature.

The journey of every woman starting from her trousseau essentials, wedding solstice to bridal bliss will feel her dreams coming to life in a Tuscan Time. The modern day bride is a diva personified with pastel elegance that moves away from the traditional red into our gracious silhouettes. 

This season KEHIAA launches a regal and timeless heirloom of bridal exuberant royalty. Setting the mood with intense tailoring, crafted to perfection. Every silhouette has the essence of a delicate yet 3-Dimensional play of flowers. 

Unveiling our classic, #TheGreyBride, who sets forth the movement surpassing the traditional bridal norms of a conventional bride. Being the most neutral color it’s the most ideal to bring forth the true personality of the bride through her sheer elegance and grace.

The modernity and novelty of every bride has always been our passion to translate
in every design. AREZZO empowers every woman wearing the collective in her most fairy tale like persona with a touch of tradition and embellishment.